
We specialise in providing solutions to maximise income from surplus munitions stocks to support regeneration, industry modernisation or increased capability.


An explosives disposals service provided to both military and commercial organisations who wish to manage the logistics of unwanted, shelf life expired or obsolete stockpiles of bulk explosives and ammunition.

At ISSEE we are proud of our expertise in the design and delivery of munitions and explosives management services. These services range from assisting customers with procurement decisions, storage design and operation, training and mentoring of local staff and operators, through to the safe disposal of unwanted, shelf-life expired explosives and ammunition both in the UK and around the world. 

We provide full logistic and technical solutions to breakdown, dispose, or demilitarise any type of explosive or military grade ammunition, pyrotechnics or ordnance. For clients who have particular disposal requirements, ISSEE can offer a consultancy and design service, to assist them in developing their own solutions, including tooling design and manufacture. This is a service provided to both military and commercial organisations who wish to manage the logistics of unwanted, shelf life expired or obsolete stockpiles of bulk explosives and ammunition.

ISSEE conduct all decommissioning processes and explosives disposals in accordance with the appropriate UK standards and legal requirements for safety and environmental considerations, or higher, to meet local or other National Standards if they apply. ISSEE is ISO 14001 accredited.





Explosives Demil